Thursday, July 2, 2015

Benefits of ExtJS:

Why did you choose Ext JS?
Given the wide range of JavaScript libraries available it was important to choose the right one. We needed to choose a library that was consistent in the way that it presents information to the user, but also consistent in the way that you code using the library.

With all Ext components extending the ‘Observable’ class we had the ability to write consistent code in an event-driven manner, much like writing a desktop application, not easily achieved with other libraries. What’s more is that we knew it would work cross-browser, again something not easily achieved that saves countless hours on large projects.

Get to know Ext JS

Ext JS began as a project to extend the functionality that the YUI Library offered. A key aspect of the YUI Library is the cross-browser support, which you'll also find in Ext JS. This support allows you to build Web applications without worrying about the target browser.

Ext JS provides excellent performance. The framework is fully object oriented and extensible. Because it's written in the JavaScript language, Ext JS's features are ready to use after you download and install it.

Ext JS browser support:

The Ext JS framework is supported in all the major Web browsers, including:

* Windows® Internet Explorer® version 6 and later.
* Mozilla Firefox version 1.5 and later (PC and Macintosh).
* Apple Safari version 2 and later.
* Opera version 9 and later (PC and Mac).

Design patterns and Ext JS

Developers should appreciate the well-thought-out design and implementation of Ext JS. Its object-oriented design patterns influence the relationship and interactions between objects. According to Ext JS, the design patterns used in their development were highly influenced by the book, Head First Design Patterns, by Freeman and Freeman (see Resources). Developers looking at the Ext JS source code will find creational patterns, including the singleton design pattern; structural patterns, including the flyweight design pattern; and behavioral patterns, including the observer pattern.

Build rich Internet applications with Ext JS:

Ext JS provides numerous UI elements that are essential to developing rich Internet applications (RIAs). Ext JS includes controls such as message boxes, combo boxes, data grids, and toolbars. In addition, layout managers allow you to specify how elements are displayed on a page. Additional features are available for working with forms and windows.

The include order for the JavaScript files can change if you are using other frameworks. However, Ext JS is typically included in your Web application, assuming that you've installed Ext JS in the lib/ext directory on your Web server.

UI elements:

The heart of the Ext JS framework is the multitude of rich UI elements provided. These elements include forms, dialog boxes, tabs, trees, and grids.

Integration of Ext JS;
You can use Ext JS with other common Web development server-side frameworks, including PHP, the Java™ language, Microsoft® .NET, Ruby on Rails, and ColdFusion.

Ext JS and Ajax:

The Ext JS framework includes support for Ajax implementations. Typically, a common feature of Ajax applications is for an application to asynchronously respond to user input by updating the UI without redisplaying the entire Web page. A typical Ext JS Ajax implementation: an HTML text field and button element that posts data in the text field to a Web server when the button is clicked.

Ext JS integration with other Web server frameworks:

You can use Ext JS with other common Web development server-side frameworks, including PHP, the Java language, Microsoft .NET, Ruby on Rails, and ColdFusion. For integration specifics for each of these frameworks.

Ext JS development tools

You can integrate Ext JS framework development into several popular integrated development environments (IDEs), including Eclipse, Aptana, and Komodo. For information about including Ext JS development support in your IDE of choice.


Web development frameworks often promise to simplify and speed application development, but many fall short of that goal. Ext JS keeps its promise with an easy-to-use development model. The latest release of Ext JS — version 3.0 — shows that it is committed to evolving and remaining a cornerstone of RIA development.

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